Portfolio Prep (8th-12th, adult),

Junior Prep(6th, 7th) & Advanced Little Picasso (4th-6th)

FALL&SPRING 2024-5: 36 classes: August 30th - May 31st

*Absences? One make-up class is available monthly and can be used within the same month.

Fridays: 3 - 7 pm Saturdays: 9 am- 3 pm -Choose 2-3 hours time block

Closed for Thanksgiving: Nov 29,30 and Holidays: Dec 27, 28 & Jan 3,4 Spring Break: April 8,9)

SUMMER 2025: 10-weekend classes June 7th - Aug 9th

*Vacation?': Three make-up classes available by adding hours

PREP & J.Prep students only, Saturdays: 9 am- 2 pm

*In case of heavy weather, check our website’s home page or text us at 703-399-1014. 703-625-7858